Satsuna F Seyin - Book versus Movie

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

There were many differences from my part. I got 23 but I think I missed some, they did show the credits are the start and at the end. There was some more speech and some words that were not included in the book, there were more swear words, they didn’t show what was going on in their heads which made the movie shorter, there wasn’t a narrator, when Pony got home from the lot Darry pushed him instead of slapping him, the word Socs was pronounced differently, they didn’t show the church. There was supposed to be a note that Johnny wrote when he went to get supplies (not in the dirt). Their hair didn’t fit the description, they played cards for weed, and they didn’t show Johnny’s mother and the argument. When they did flips off the car they show have done it off the door step. They didn’t say the rhyme about the Socs being losers, in the rumble it rains, the fight is different. Dally called them to a different place, Pony didn’t call the teacher and Soda busted out of the house. They didn’t have the big Pony and Darry fight or Sandy breaking up with Soda.

The three things I liked:
1. I liked the rumble, I don’t know why but it looked like the main event to me.
2. I liked when Bob died, it opened up the story and made some events happen.
3. When Dally dies and when Johnny does, that brought sadness to the story which closed it up and put some more feelings to the story.

There were some parts that were good but I think these were the best in the movie and story because they have the most feeling.

The three things I hated:
1. The movie was too short, if I watched the movie by itself I would rate it 4/10 but the book was so outstanding it practically killed the movie.
2. It had way too many scenes skipped which brought the movie down to a 4/10. If they put more time and effort, the outcome would have been better.
3. There were not enough scenes. They could have made the movie longer and better. When they meet and spoke it was very fast, not feeling just what they are trying to point out.

So far book 7/10. Movie 4/10. Hopefully there will be a remake.

Satsuna F Seyin


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